Pi Day Philippines

Feb 23, 2023

Find my Pi Day

To find your birthday in the digits of pi, you would need to search through the digits of pi and locate the sequence of numbers that match your birthdate. Since pi is an infinite, non-repeating decimal, it contains every possible sequence of numbers within its digits.

Here is a tool you can use to find your birthday: Find my Pi Day!


Feb 23, 2023

Visit these Pi related websites!

Here are some websites you might enjoy visiting on Pi Day:

  • piday.org - This website is dedicated to Pi Day and provides information on Pi Day events, Pi Day merchandise, and Pi Day activities.

  • Exploratorium Pi Day - The Exploratorium, a museum in San Francisco, California, celebrates Pi Day every year with live webcasts, Pi Day games and activities, and Pi Day videos.

  • Wolfram Alpha - Wolfram Alpha is a computational knowledge engine that can calculate the value of pi to thousands of decimal places. It is a great resource for learning about pi and its properties.

  • NASA Pi Day Challenge - NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory has created a Pi Day Challenge that includes a series of math problems related to space exploration. The challenge is designed for students and educators but can be enjoyed by anyone who loves math and science.

  • Math Playground - Math Playground is a website with a variety of math games, including several games that involve pi. It is a fun way to learn about pi and practice math skills.

  • Khan Academy - Khan Academy is a non-profit educational website that offers free online courses and lessons on a variety of subjects, including math. They have several lessons on pi and its properties, which can help deepen your understanding of this mathematical constant.

  • Pi Day Merchandise - If you are looking for Pi Day t-shirts, mugs, and other Pi Day-themed merchandise, there are several websites that offer a variety of items. Some popular sites include Zazzle, CafePress, and Etsy.

These are just a few of the many websites you can visit to celebrate Pi Day. Happy Pi Day!