Pi Day Philippines

Feb 23, 2023

Visit these Pi related websites!

Here are some websites you might enjoy visiting on Pi Day:

  • piday.org - This website is dedicated to Pi Day and provides information on Pi Day events, Pi Day merchandise, and Pi Day activities.

  • Exploratorium Pi Day - The Exploratorium, a museum in San Francisco, California, celebrates Pi Day every year with live webcasts, Pi Day games and activities, and Pi Day videos.

  • Wolfram Alpha - Wolfram Alpha is a computational knowledge engine that can calculate the value of pi to thousands of decimal places. It is a great resource for learning about pi and its properties.

  • NASA Pi Day Challenge - NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory has created a Pi Day Challenge that includes a series of math problems related to space exploration. The challenge is designed for students and educators but can be enjoyed by anyone who loves math and science.

  • Math Playground - Math Playground is a website with a variety of math games, including several games that involve pi. It is a fun way to learn about pi and practice math skills.

  • Khan Academy - Khan Academy is a non-profit educational website that offers free online courses and lessons on a variety of subjects, including math. They have several lessons on pi and its properties, which can help deepen your understanding of this mathematical constant.

  • Pi Day Merchandise - If you are looking for Pi Day t-shirts, mugs, and other Pi Day-themed merchandise, there are several websites that offer a variety of items. Some popular sites include Zazzle, CafePress, and Etsy.

These are just a few of the many websites you can visit to celebrate Pi Day. Happy Pi Day!