Pi Day Philippines

Feb 23, 2023

Write Haiku with Pi

A pi haiku is a type of haiku poem that incorporates the concept of the mathematical constant pi (π). Like traditional haiku, pi haiku usually consists of three lines and follows the 5-7-5 syllable pattern. However, pi haiku often incorporates mathematical or scientific language to create a theme or message related to pi.

Here are a few examples of Pi haiku:

  • Irrational Pi Endless, never repeating Mathematical truth.

  • Pi, mystery, Circle of unending length, Infinite nature.

  • Three point one four one, Non-repeating, non-ending, Pi, transcendental.

  • Pi, elusive, Endlessly expanding quest, Infinite numbers.

  • Pi, circumference, Divided by its diameter, Constant irrational.

Pi haiku can be a fun and creative way to explore the beauty and complexity of math and science.